Living the life God intended...

Living the life God intended...

Monday, May 23, 2011


We’re Having A Baby!!!!!

     Matt and I decided, for the first time in our family’s history to “try” for another little Ireland back in December.  And low and behold, in the middle of January, we boldly took a test and with great joy and the feeling of yet another new beginning, we saw 2 lines (positive)!  We were elated, and within days, sick!  It’s no fun to be sick, but it’s always a blessing to know that being sick means a healthy pregnancy!

     We actually got to see an ultrasound at about 6weeks because in the interim, I contracted H1N1 flu and was in the ICU at my hospital!  Matt and I both had a peace regardless of my illness from God that everything would be fine, and here’s what we saw….

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… a perfect little baby with a heartbeat telling us it was fighting right inside Mommy too! 

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It was not obvious at first, but there’s a little baby in there.  Here’s my tummy in January!

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Trust me, it does NOT look like this anymore!!!

We held out with great anticipation to tell the boys and finally we got to.  I was still recuperating from the flu and pneumonia and could barely get up from the couch, but it was still one of the most exciting things Matt and I have ever done.  These boys have been wanting a baby for years!

Here they were as we read “And Baby Makes Five” they were totally clueless, we still had to write it out for them.  They were VERY excited!

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OK, NOW they understand.  They just kept hugging us!

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And here they are, New Daddy, Big Brother and Bigger Brother!  What an exciting journey we are going to have!  I cannot believe God has given us another blessing!  God is so GOOD! 

“Children are a gift from GOD; blessed is he who has a quiver full of them”

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The big day is…

             SEPTEMBER 13, 2011



Our turn to go to Warner Robins

    Since we moved from Middle Georgia, Aunt Amy and the cousins, we take turns visiting each other monthly.  January was ours…although we can do without Middle Georgia, we CAN’T do without our Joey, Amy, Mad-Mad and Mikey!  It even got warm enough for a little outside play!


As always, the boys were welcomed in with some neck suggies from Uncle Joey!

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Umm…Ryan, shouldn’t you have your helmet on!  That smile makes it all better!

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Matty and Mikey, post Clifford car wreck…notice the nose!

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Andrew driving his new remote control truck…

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Madeline will never let me take pictures so I get them on the fly!

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Mikey wants everyone to be quiet.

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These four are always together!

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Kitchen b-ball games…

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We all are always happy to be back at our own house even though we miss our family!

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As always, Daddy never fails to provide an excellent funny face for me!  I think this was his “Toddlers in Tiaras” imitation ha ha!

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These two are done… so peaceful and precious!

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This picture is the summary of my life!  Such peace and beauty!  The security Matt gives me, taking care of and protecting us all is unparalleled!  We close our eyes and he remains watchful…just like our God!  When Matt closes his eyes finally at night, the Lord remains watching!  Makes me smile in my sleep just like this!  I don’t know what makes him different from so many but I thank the Lord daily for allowing me to share my life with him!


     So, we are finally at least up to this year!  Wanted to share our fun New Year’s Eve family party.  Both of the boys made it the entire time to midnight!  Here’s a glimpse of the exciting Jenga tourney!

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   …notice little “pickle” Ryan’s finger under the table trying to jiggle the Jenga tower…he thinks he’s so sneaky!

Picture 005 Look at this face…such suspense!

Picture 006 Caught him redhanded under the table…

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Is it going to tumble?  No it didn’t!

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Not only did Daddy knock the tower down, but he gave us another FABULOUS silly face picture!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Van Camp/Gillispie Family Reunion 2010

This past fall, we were blessed to get the whole Van Camp/Gillispie (my dad’s) family together in Gainsville, Ga at my cousin Lois’s house.  We have a large family on his side and although there was a huge turnout it was just a fraction of the whole crew. 

The night before, the Bobbitts came to stay with us and Andrew entertained cousin Michael by reading stories to him…so cute!


The next day…we enjoyed family fun.  Here’s a recap of some of it.

The boys immediately attached to their cousin Adrienne and he was their role model for the day.  Lois’s house is so cute too!  She has done a fabulous job renovating the whole thing!  She keeps going and going at her age… I hope Matt and I are blessed with that type of stamina!


My dad and Andrew, behind them both is a family tree that has been in the working for years…it’s amazing.  Thanks cousin Heather and Lois, do you all have more hours in your day than we do?


Ryan and Grandma Van Camp stop for some smiles.


Cousin Becky with her shades on inside…too cool!


Matty catching up on Dad and JoAnn’s latest adventures…they are the most unretired, retired parents ever!


Cousin Cathy, her son Adrienne, and Andrew stopped a horseshoe tournament for a picture!


Like I said, wherever Adrienne was, our boys were sure to follow!


Hooray for horseshoes!  Andrew and Ryan both did a great job!


I love sitting and listening to the “adults” talk and tell stories…I was so glad to have Matt and our boys there to hear some of the stories firsthand that I have told them for years.  Ryan loved the story of little 5 year old Lois not listening to her mom and getting her fingers cut off!


Ryan sat so well and listened, he reminds me so much of myself at that age!


The next day before he had to fly out, we took my brother, Uncle Chris, to Kennesaw Mountain park for a hike…it was so much fun!

Here’s Andrew searching for treasures from God’s beautiful creation.


Ryan just about wacked me with that walking stick!


My three boys, Matty, Ryan and Andrew. I truly could not be more thankful for such an amazing husband and father of my children!


The boys with Uncle Chris.  They made excellent “stand ins” for Jason and Adam, but we missed our cousins very much!


Uncle Chris being the child at heart that he is…he’s never fully grown up, just like my Dad!  Makes for a really fun uncle!


Its times like this that make being a parent so worthwhile!  They may fuss at each other more than we’d like, but in the end, they will always be best friends!  Kind of like Matt and Billy and Amy and me!


The hike was way too short, but we had a great time together! What a beautiful place so close to home.  When sadness or disparity arise, just look outside at the beauty our Father has made for us.  It is quite humbling to know that it was made for us! 


Even more amazing is the fact that man and woman were created just for this…partnership, commitment, creating a family, and representing Christ’s love for His Church!  This unconditional love is unfathomable until you share such a love!  Thank you Matty for giving me that love!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Ryan’s Friend Party…

A couple little pics from Ryan’s Chuck E. Cheese party in Kennesaw…that place is CRAZY!


The traditional cake…I always bake the cake and attempt to decorate it!  Let’s just say I am NOT the cake boss!


Ryan approves!


Ryan was king of the table and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it although this may be the only Chuck E. Cheese party we have!  It was full of fun but keeping up with everyone was very difficult. As the song says, it’s his party and he can have it where he wants to…or maybe that’s not how it goes.


The Crew…




Ryan, the life of the party…Daddy, behind the camera at this party.


The coolest part was the ticket blaster… Ryan grabbed lots of tickets and was able to buy lots of cheap junk!  Yeah!


Then it was time for some Chuck E. love!


Andrew wanted some too…


Lots of awesome presents were opened…


Then Daddy and Mommy got their love…and the chaos was totally worth it!


Happy 7th Birthday Ryan…we all love you so very much!